Take Control of Your Money
Cambridge Savings Bank has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons that help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.
Learn to Budget
Budgeting isn't about restriction, it's about freedom. The best way to avoid financial strain is to know where your money is going and plan ahead!
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Basic Savings
Whether you're saving for a rainy day or a rainy trip to London, mastering the basics of saving can help you reach your goals.
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Managing Debt
Many people find themselves in debt, and many people also find ways out of it. Don't be discouraged, there are ways to manage piling debt and come out on top.
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6 min activity
Budget Calculator
Anticipate monthly and yearly expenses and manage your income with this budget calculator.
4 min read
Stock Market Basics
Learn how to buy & sell stocks so you can start investing your money.
4 min read
Handling High Inflation
What should I do when faced with high inflation and rising prices?
2 min read
Banzai Plus
Manage your budget and credit wisely to qualify and afford your first home, while also juggling real-life dilemmas like identity fraud and purchasing auto insurance.
2 min read
Money Market Accounts
Meet the hybrid account that may be the right saving solution for you.
8 min read
Preparing for a Recession
How do I know if I could handle a major economic downturn?